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Host Proposal Guide

Host the International Advanced Manufacturing Conference (NAMRC/MSEC) in 2026 

The International Advanced Manufacturing Conference is looking for proposals to host the next conference in 2026. The International Advanced Manufacturing Conference consists of two collocated conferences sponsored by ASME’s Manufacturing Engineering Division (MED) and SME’s North American Manufacturing Research Institution of (NAMRI | SME).

The purpose of this Conference Host Proposal Guide is to provide interested organizations with general guidance in developing and preparing a competitive proposal for hosting co-located conferences sponsored by the ASME Manufacturing Engineering Division (MED) and the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME (NAMRI | SME). Hosting co-located conferences bears a huge responsibility of planning, coordination, and execution of the conferences; however, it also offers a unique opportunity and a rewarding experience for the host organization to serve the manufacturing community and showcase their manufacturing activities and leadership. 

For more information contact:

Suzy Marzano, SME Industry Manager | | O: 313-425-3237

Host Proposal Guide

Learn how to develop and prepare a competitive proposal for hosting co-located conferences sponsored by the ASME Manufacturing Engineering Division (MED) and the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME (NAMRI | SME).

Call For Host Proposal

Learn more about hosting the 2026 International Manufacturing Science & Engineering Conference (MSEC) and the 55th North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC).